1 学校における体系的海洋教育カリキュラムの開発と実践
2 実践支援体制の整備と人材育成
3 海洋教育普及推進の戦略の開発と提示
4 海洋教育サミットの開催
The Institute of Noto Satoumi Education and Studies was established in 2014 and began operation in 2015, supported by the Nippon Foundation. We support marine ecological, environmental, fishery, and cultural learning activities for children and teachers, mainly in Noto, in cooperation with the Noto-cho Board of Education and Kanazawa University (Noto Marine Laboratory, Noto Campus, School of Teacher Education, etc.). The beautiful coast of Noto is rich in fish, animals, and seaweeds of all kinds; therefore, it is quite natural that Noto be considered a suitable place for Ocean Education, a new field proposed by the Research Center for Marine Education of the Ocean Alliance at the University of Tokyo. We also cooperate with many public educational and cultural facilities (Noto Marine Center, Noto Nature Homes, Astronomical Museum Yanagida Mantenboshi, Ishikawa Prefecture Fisheries Research Center, etc.) to achieve effective education regarding local environment and human culture, including Satoyama and Satoumi.